Monday, July 28

Our First (and Maybe Last) Attempt To Color With Markers

Normally I would not be the one to bring out the washable markers on a 15 month old, but Evelyn has this crazy obsession for pens with lids.  Today when she threw a bit of a fit as I took away a pen she had found, I decided that maybe she would enjoy playing with markers (you know, nice and neat on the table with a few sheets of paper, maybe drawing a beautiful flower! :).
Not two minutes in to setting up her work station and she had already gotten two markers in her mouth!
I wish I would have taken the pic right away, I started to clean her up and realized this would be a good photo op.

Sunday, July 27

Then and Now

Evelyn is growing up so fast!  This morning she fed herself breakfast - with a spoon.  It seems like just yesterday we were feeding her for the first time! 

Lake Carroll

We headed up to Lake Carroll to check on the land and take advantage of some of the amenities of the community.  
The lot is growing full of wild flowers (and weeds :).  
Evelyn really enjoyed the pool.  Matt and I enjoyed the peace and quiet (after bedtime of course), a nice glass of wine and the views!

Tuesday, July 22

Viva La Vida

We headed out to the Coldplay concert tonight with our friends Tim and Ann.
It was a great concert.  There is a little video clip of them rocking out to Fix You. Warning - it is a minute long!

Monday, July 21

Snack Time

Please no comments on this one.... yes I do let my child have the occasional bad snack.  Evelyn has a new found love for potato chips.  She knows where we hide them, and how to take the clip off and help herself.  After this we sat down and had a nice balanced snack ~ I swear!

Wednesday, July 16

My Little Worker Bee

Evelyn had a lot of e-mails to reply to this morning!

Sunday, July 13

Friday, July 11

Wii bit of Fun

Evelyn cheers while daddy and a friend play tennis...

Thursday, July 10

Cooling Off

Evelyn found a great way to cool off on a hot summer night.