It has been a while since our last post (over a month for those who have called me). To say that we had a busy August would be a understatement. Here is what we have been up to ~
Evelyn and I spent a week in Des Moines visiting family, friends, going to the Iowa State Fair and celebrating a wedding at the Mulvihill Farm.
We got back to Chicago just in time for the Air and Water Show, which is always a great weekend in the city.
Then Evelyn and I, along with a two of our friends and babies went to Saugatuck, MI for a few days.
Once we were back from Michigan we headed down to St. Louis with Matt to see Bruce Springsteen with Mike, ML, Kelly and Michelle.
The next week we headed to the White's Lake House for a wonderful Labor Day weekend.
Then I headed off to Vegas for 4 days for the Kids Trade Show.
As you can see we were on the road the last month. We had some great trips! It was a nice way to cap off summer but we are also really happy to be home and unpack! :)
Evelyn has started her fall classes. She is taking Spanish and also Baby Ballet.
As for Matt and I~ Notre Dame Football is in full swing, the Cubs are winning and the Bears, well, we are still watching and cheering them on!
Here are a few pics from the last month. I also updated our photo albums on our website so be sure to check them out. Evelyn is growing like a weed. She is so much fun!